Medical Ingenuities conducts first commercial cases with transformational radial haemostasis band system
Ngày 23/03/2022 03:46 | Lượt xem: 841

Four radial cases using the PH Band System (Medical Ingenuities)—a novel medical device that is used to close the arteriotomy of a radial artery following a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) procedure—have been completed at the Lakewood Ranch Medical Center (Bradenton, USA).

The device is designed to establish and maintain patent haemostasis prior to discharging the patient from the Hospital, it meets Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions’ (SCAI) Guidelines of achieving patent haemostasis which initiates immediate healing, reduces compression times and complications.

All cases, performed by Vivek Kumar, were successful, and in a press release Medical Ingenuities said Kumar was very impressed with the case results. “We are excited for the introduction of the PH Band System into our lab. Our initial experiences confirmed patent haemostasis with a simple application, a reduction in compression time, and a predictable time for healing of the access site,” Kumar said.

The PH Band System provides an audible signal confirming the moment that patent haemostasis is achieved. This signal provides a customised compression at the arteriotomy, the lowest amount of pressure to ensure haemostasis, while maintaining proper blood flow through the radial artery. Achieving patent haemostasis post-radial closure allows the coagulation process to begin immediately, leading to a faster healing process and eliminating multiple adjustments.

In contrast, other radial compression devices provide haemostasis but cannot confirm the patency of the radial artery. Patent haemostasis has been shown in numerous studies to reduce complications by over 90%.

Chip Corrigan, founder and CEO of Medical Ingenuities, said: “These seminal cases demonstrated the efficacy and efficiency of the PH Band in real clinical cases. We believe that the simplicity and unique doppler technology of the PH Band System will transform how radial procedures are completed.”

Source CardiovascularNews

Duc Tin CLinic

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