Ngày 11/07/2016 | 08:04.

Scientists and clinicians expect that an understanding of the disease mechanisms and ensuing molecular defects can deliver novel therapeutic targets. Cardiac hypertrophy, being an independent clinical risk factor for cardiac death, 

Ngày 10/07/2016 | 07:12.

It was anticipated that therapeutic targets identified and tested in animal models with critical features of HF in humans have a higher likelihood of translating to patients (Figure 6). Given distinct advantages and shortcomings of small and large animal HF models, 

Ngày 17/07/2016 | 03:57.

To date, no delivery system or AAV serotype with optimized cardiotropism can rule out vector leakage or transduction of noncardiac tissues, respectively. 

Ngày 08/07/2016 | 09:46.

The most optimal gene delivery system for cardiac therapeutic applications in humans will combine a clinically advantageous physical delivery route with the rAAV serotype that has the highest natural or engineered affinity for the targeted cardiac cell type. 

Ngày 07/07/2016 | 09:35.

Among different nonviral and viral vector systems developed for tissue and organ gene delivery, recombinant AAVs (rAAV) have emerged as the most valuable gene transfer agents available today (Figure 2). Because of their efficiency and safety in transducing both dividing and nondividing cells, rAAV vectors are used in >99 clinical trials worldwide (

Ngày 06/07/2016 | 09:37.

The Path to Clinical Practice


Gene therapy, aimed at the correction of key pathologies being out of reach for conventional drugs, bears the potential to alter the treatment of cardiovascular diseases radically and thereby of heart failure.

Ngày 04/07/2016 | 08:35.

Your doctor will diagnose heart failure based on your medical and family histories, a physical exam, and test results. The signs and symptoms of heart failure also are common in other conditions. Thus, your doctor will:

Ngày 03/07/2016 | 09:09.


Most individuals diagnosed with hypertension will have increasing blood pressure (BP) as they age. 

Ngày 30/06/2016 | 10:12.

Hypertension is a worldwide epidemic; accordingly, its epidemiology has been well studied. Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) spanning 1999-2002 in the United States found that in the population aged 20 years or older, 

Ngày 28/06/2016 | 09:19.

Hypertension may be primary, which may develop as a result of environmental or genetic causes, or secondary, which has multiple etiologies, including renal, vascular, and endocrine causes. 

Ngày 26/06/2016 | 08:45.


The pathogenesis of essential hypertension is multifactorial and highly complex. Multiple factors modulate the blood pressure (BP) for adequate tissue perfusion and include humoral mediators, 

Ngày 26/06/2016 | 08:36.


Hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases afflicting humans and is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. 


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